Toxic Relationships

We’ve all been there. That guy or girl that makes us crazy. That makes us do things we know we shouldn’t do. That makes us shift our sanity. Its a rough place. Unfortunately for me ive been through my fair share of them. I jus cant get it right 😅. Being bipolar also doesn’t help when choosing a partner. Some people say we cant love or we’re just to much to handle and in some ways i think its true. But enough about me. Here are some signs that you’re in a toxic relationship.

At the end of the day its not worth it. If you feel like you’re giving way more than you’re getting than you need to leave. Dont let anyone manipulate you. Stay strong. Learn to love your self. Im still learning myself.

National Suicide Prevention Line – 1-800-273-8255


Postpartum Depression


Okay lets start off with some facts

  • Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that can affect women after childbirth
  • Postpartum depression does not occur because of something a mother does or does not do.
  • Mothers with postpartum depression experience feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that may make it difficult for them to complete daily care activities for themselves or for others

Now with that being said, PPD does not in anyways mean that the mother does not want or love the child. As humans we feel emotions all the time. Sometimes its extremely hard to control those emotions and sometimes it can mean bad things for our family.

When i found out I was pregnant, I didnt know what to do. I wasnt with the father and I was afraid that i wouldnt be able to handle it. Personally i dont believe in having an abortion just because so i went through with it. Fast foward to her being born, I was the happiest I’d ever been. Now fast forward to 6 months in. I was going through it. I dont have the “village” everyone talks about, so it was jus me and my mom. Now dont get me wrong, she helps when she can but she has her own life. I was tired all the time, i had to quit a job because i couldnt find a babysitter, her father was no help, it jus all seemed hopeless. Some days I even questioned myself as to why i even had a baby. I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone about it or else i was going to sound ungrateful or like I didnt want my own child. It got to the point where I thought about just running away.

Now i know that all sounds depressing but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Skip to a little after her second birthday, I’d had enough, between the illnesses i was already dealing with i couldn’t take it anymore. I decided that i couldnt do it by myself anymore. I called a friend to tell them how i was feeling an they called the COPS. Probably the best thing that could’ve happened to me. They took me to the hospital an set me up with doctors who understood an helped me through it. Now I have hope. I dont feel alone anymore. Now my baby’s 3 and in school and I feel like together we can take over the world, lol.

My main point is, no matter how bad it may seem theres always a way out. If you dont have the village, do like me and see some professionals. But if you do have it, open up, let your friends and family know whats going on. You’ll be surprised how many people go through this. I hope this was a good read for you guys. 😊

National Suicide Prevention Line – 1-800-273-8255

Speak Up!

Okay so for my first blog, im going to keep it simple. Here’s my intro to my page.


Mental Health is something people try to avoid talking about. Most people are afraid to admit that something is even wrong with them. As long as could understand I’ve known i had some sort of problem. It started in 4th grade with just anxiety an here i am 24 with multiple diagnoses. Im not ashamed either. When people go through trauma it changes them and I am here to acknowledge an hopefully work through those changes. As time passes and I post, post after post i hope it reaches anyone who is afraid to open up about their health.

If you’re feeling extremely low and my post dont help, I will always end my posts with this number.

National Suicide Prevention Line – 1-800-273-8255


No More Tears


“For years i have suffered with an anxiety an depression disorder, and to be honest im surprised im still here. I’ve had more bad days than good in my 22 years of life. I feel like a little plastic ball floating into space. Ya know, insignificant to anyone. You see it but you dont care.”

This is what i wrote 3 years ago but never posted, and to be honest im still in this same place. The difference now though is i have gained some skills to help me maneuver through life without wanting to pull my hair out every second. In this post I’d like to share some of these skills. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.

  • Reading– A good book will help take ur mind off of anything negative. Find the perfect genre for yourself and then get lost in a story
  • Exercise– I have to admit I am a bit lazy, but when my mind is racing nonstop, a good run or some push ups helps you focus on your body and not your mind
  • Anything creative-If you’re like me anything creative fuels you. If your feeling down, grab a pen a paper an write, or a brush a paint, or a mic an sing your heart out
  • Friends– If you havent become a hermit yet, take some time out with the people that u trust an feel have your best interest at heart.

These are just a few things that can help a troubled mind. If you feel like these tips dont help there is also nothing wrong with seeing a professional. I see a psychiatrist and a regular therapist and with the help of them plus those tips, I’m making through pretty decent.

National Suicide Prevention Line – 1-800-273-8255