No More Tears


“For years i have suffered with an anxiety an depression disorder, and to be honest im surprised im still here. I’ve had more bad days than good in my 22 years of life. I feel like a little plastic ball floating into space. Ya know, insignificant to anyone. You see it but you dont care.”

This is what i wrote 3 years ago but never posted, and to be honest im still in this same place. The difference now though is i have gained some skills to help me maneuver through life without wanting to pull my hair out every second. In this post I’d like to share some of these skills. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.

  • Reading– A good book will help take ur mind off of anything negative. Find the perfect genre for yourself and then get lost in a story
  • Exercise– I have to admit I am a bit lazy, but when my mind is racing nonstop, a good run or some push ups helps you focus on your body and not your mind
  • Anything creative-If you’re like me anything creative fuels you. If your feeling down, grab a pen a paper an write, or a brush a paint, or a mic an sing your heart out
  • Friends– If you havent become a hermit yet, take some time out with the people that u trust an feel have your best interest at heart.

These are just a few things that can help a troubled mind. If you feel like these tips dont help there is also nothing wrong with seeing a professional. I see a psychiatrist and a regular therapist and with the help of them plus those tips, I’m making through pretty decent.

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